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About Blik op Talent

What does the Talent Broker do?
The Talent Broker connects companies and social organizations with the aim of strengthening the supporting society. Companies or municipal institutions have in-house knowledge and expertise that social organizations may need. Many companies want to contribute to society in a socially responsible manner, but do not know where they can connect with their range of knowledge and expertise or deployment of manpower.

The Talent Broker was created to bring the supply and demand together. This is an initiative of Blik op Talent that they have been carrying out since 2017. The Talent Broker is the link that connects and supports both parties to achieve an effective and sustainable match. This results in a win-win situation for both parties.

For whom?
The Talent Broker is there for all companies that want to mean something to society and for all social organizations that could use some extra help.

How do we work?
The Blik op Talent Talent Broker motivates, inspires and encourages companies to voluntarily deploy the available expertise or manpower where necessary. The Talent Broker collects the demand for expertise or other needs from social organizations and institutions.

Both parties are then matched with supply and demand. The Talent Broker guides the matches in the preparation and implementation and, if necessary, is present on location on the day of the performance to ensure that the match runs smoothly.
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