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About us

Business Involved is a project for connecting employees and companies with volunteer work in Amsterdam. It is a win-win for key impact initiatives in the Amsterdam region and for companies that want to contribute to the bigger picture. As a project of Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (VCA) Business Involved truly understands social impact. In 2024 the municipality of Amsterdam gave her support for this project for three years.

VCA has a network of more than 100 impact-driven organizations in the arts, culture, education, nature, care, welfare, sports, charities and events. She knows about all types of social programs and the skills that are needed, making her the ideal partner for companies. The supporting platform allows companies and their employees to easily find volunteering opportunities that are truly worthwhile for them.

Business Involved is a project of Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam supported by Amsterdam InBusiness

Our team

Rachida el Alami
Rachida el Alami[email protected]Social advisor
Eva Bouwer
Eva Bouwer[email protected]Company advisor
Jasper Versteege
Jasper Versteege[email protected]Platform Manager

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