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Creative Aid for Campaign sept '22

Creative Aid for Campaign sept '22

Donation of goods · 4–8 hrs
Flexible location
CoordinationBusiness DevelopmentCampaigningSocial mediaMarketing & CommunicationsDesignDutchEnglish
Social justiceArt & cultureWellbeing
8 Decent work and economic growth10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities17 Partnerships for the goals
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Eline GelderblomAsk Eline a question
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Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam
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Are you a professional in advertising and do you want to contribute to a social campaign in the city of Amsterdam? Help us find new volulteers.

Detailed description

It's time again for a new volunteer recruitment campaign in September (we are looking for new candidates for all kinds of volunteer work in the city of Amsterdam). Unfortunately, this time we have a very limited budget and we are on our own. No advertising agency for us ;-(.


Are you looking for a great way to contribute to the volunteer field of Amsterdam? Are you a creative or a designer with great ideas or do you work at an agency that can help? And can you - or your company - help us make a great new campaign for this fall, let us know.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs
This opportunity is expired You can find other opportunities here.
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About Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam

VCA strengthens voluntary commitment in the city of Amsterdam so that everyone can make an optimal contribution to society. We do this by showing future volunteers the way and connecting them to social organizations, facilitating organizations with knowledge and tools and by showing the impact of volunteering in the city. We are also increasingly involved in urban projects in which volunteering is an element. Within BusinessInvolved.Amsterdam, Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam takes care of contacts with social organizations and we advise companies on the optimal use of their CSR options.
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