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Corporate Volunteer

Corporate Volunteer

Organisation role · 2–8 hrs/Week
Rozenstraat 206, 1016 PA Amsterdam, Netherlands
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8 Decent work and economic growth10 Reduced inequalities17 Partnerships for the goals
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Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam
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Are you looking for corporate volunteer work but don't know what exactly? Or you can't find it on the job board? Contact us!

Detailed description

Are you looking for a way to make impact in Amsterdam but don't you know what you want to do? Or do you know exactly what you want and can't find it on the job board? Then contact us!

There are countless opportunities for volunteering in (or nearby) Amsterdam. And there are other ways to make impact too! In a conversation with us you often come up with ideas and possibilities that you hadn't thought of before.

What suits your talents, possibilities or wishes? We are happy to advise you and think along with you and your collegues.

Getting there

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About Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam

VCA strengthens voluntary commitment in the city of Amsterdam so that everyone can make an optimal contribution to society. We do this by showing future volunteers the way and connecting them to social organizations, facilitating organizations with knowledge and tools and by showing the impact of volunteering in the city. We are also increasingly involved in urban projects in which volunteering is an element. Within BusinessInvolved.Amsterdam, Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam takes care of contacts with social organizations and we advise companies on the optimal use of their CSR options.
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