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IMC Weekendschool

IMC Weekendschool

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Wie met volle overtuiging zijn interesses volgt, haalt het meeste uit zijn leven. Daarom laat Stichting IMC Weekendschool nieuwsgierige jongeren kennismaken met enthousiaste professionals en hun ...

EducationChildren & youthRefugees & minorities
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Volunteer in the classroom

Volunteer in the classroom

Project role (Temporary) · 2–8 hrs/Week · Starting from 30 Apr 2022
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
TeachingSupervisingYouth workSocial contactAccompanyingAdvice & MentoringDutchEnglish
EducationChildren & youthRefugees & minorities
Quality educationDecent work and economic growthReduced inequalities
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IMC Weekendschool
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Contact person

Lianne van der MolenAsk Lianne a question


Volunteers help the lesson run smoothly by guiding students in working together, creating a pleasant atmosphere and going on excursions.

Detailed description

No two teaching days are the same at the weekend school. That is one of the charms of the weekend school, but it also requires flexibility from those involved. The role of a supervisor therefore differs per Sunday. What is always asked of you: • Going through the daily program independently. This program describes content, times, goals and details about the lesson day. • Participate in the preliminary discussion. At the start of the teaching day, the weekend school team goes through the day program with the guest teachers and supervisors. All roles are discussed, agreements are made and there is an opportunity to ask questions. • Fulfilling an exemplary role For example, by demonstrating a role play or assignment. But you also fulfill an exemplary role by embodying how we would like everyone to treat each other. • Support in enforcing the rules. For the students you are one of the teachers and masters during the teaching day. Address students from that role by complimenting good behavior and naming undesirable behavior (where you also indicate which behavior you do want to see). • Motivate. Enthusiasm is always contagious. When you show interest in the students and the lesson content, the students will often quickly adopt your curious attitude. • Guiding a group of students on an assignment. We often work in groups. In that case, as a supervisor, you help a group of students to carry out the assignment and to work well together. • Approach students positively as much as possible. There is often a story behind a negative attitude of a student. Give them (heartfelt) compliments, strike up conversations with them and be open to their stories. • Be available during breaks. Pupils like it when you participate in games or start a chat. You also help us by paying attention to whether the students interact positively with each other. • Discuss the day (briefly).

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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Amsterdam Opportunities > IMC Weekendschool > Volunteer in the classroom

About IMC Weekendschool

Wie met volle overtuiging zijn interesses volgt, haalt het meeste uit zijn leven. Daarom laat Stichting IMC Weekendschool nieuwsgierige jongeren kennismaken met enthousiaste professionals en hun uiteenlopende vakgebieden. We richten onze lessen zo in, dat er prikkelende, magische momenten ontstaan. Dat worden ervaringen die bijblijven en de horizon verbreden. We stimuleren het lef van onze leerlingen en bieden hen een ijzersterk netwerk. Zo geven we hun de bagage mee om te kunnen worden wie ze willen zijn.

Stichting IMC Weekendschool verzorgt aanvullend, motivatie-gericht onderwijs voor jongeren vanaf tien jaar, op die plekken in Nederland waar dat het hardst nodig is. We zijn actief op 63 locaties door het land, via de programma’s IMC Weekendschool, IMC Basis, IMC on Tour en IMC Alumni.
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