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Post | January 2024 | 1 min read

Extra focus on corporate volunteering in Amsterdam

Business involved will grow in the next 3 years

The municipality of Amsterdam is granting the Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (VCA) an additional subsidy for the next 3 years for the further development of corporate volunteering in the city. It ensures that the municipality and VCA can make use of each other's knowledge and contacts and that the Business Involved project is further expanded. Among other things, VCA is going to expand the project with a business advisor. A vacancy for this job has now been published and candidates can apply (good command of the Dutch language is a must). As of March, VCA hopes to be at full strength with the new team and get to work. 

Councilor Sofyan Mbarki (Economic Affairs): "Our city has a lot of extraordinary and successful companies that want to contribute to the future of the city, but don't always know how to make a difference for their neighborhood or for a particular target group that could use support." With this grant, the Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam can make an extra effort in the coming years to help companies make volunteers available to do more for Amsterdam. This is also part of corporate social responsibility.

Incidental subsidy

This is an occasional subsidy for the next three years. With the subsidy, the VCA can better tackle problems with volunteers from companies, for example in the sports sector to get young people more active or in the fight against loneliness.

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