Writing help for the Neighborhood Connector project plan
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Help Amsterdam Noorderling, who has good ideas for the neighborhood, volunteers, but is not proficient in language to write a project plan.Detailed description
There are many Amsterdam Northerners, we call them Buurtverbinders, with good ideas, nice activities but who do not have the language skills to make a good project plan and budget. While that is the basis for applying for a subsidy. They do not need a lot of money but even for little money a plan with budget is needed.
Do you have experience with writing through your work or education? Would you like to support an initiative in this? As soon as there is a project plan and budget, your job is done! And if that doesn't work out for some reason, we will take over from you. We, my colleague Annerieke and I, will connect you to an initiative and guide you through it.
We offer a course to Neighborhood Connectors: Making Plans Together. The next course starts on September 30, next year we will offer it again in the spring. There are 8 Neighborhood Connectors who have registered for it. They will be taught how to make a project plan and budget. We are looking for help for them. But others who are not participating in the course can also use help.
We do not expect you to attend the course meetings. You will make arrangements in consultation with the neighborhood connector. It will cost you about 4 conversations and some writing at home. It is a temporary job that will be completed within two months.
This brings you into contact with another layer of society that has a lot of trouble keeping its head above water but who nevertheless want to commit themselves to their neighbors. Many of our Neighborhood Connectors know what it is like to ask for help, to move to a new city, to learn a second or third language, to go to the food bank and to have debts.